The first release of Riak KV under the newly formed OpenRiak community is an important milestone for the project. The aim of the talk is to show some of the non-functional characteristics of the Riak solution, to explain why it remains a potentially interesting technology.
We will also look under-the-hood at the improvements being made in Riak; and demonstrated the advantages that have gained by embracing BEAM technology further. Examining how improvements have been drawn from migrating NIFs to Erlang, making better use of OTP improvements, embracing the Erlang efficiency guide, as well as use of tools such as eprof and eqwaliser and the community support of the Erlef.
- Bring people up to speed with the development of Riak, and role of the BEAM and its community in that development.
- Those with a general interest in databases, and an interest in examples of improving efficiency in Erlang.