Michal Slaski

Co-Founder of koderki.pl

AGH graduate, Erlang programmer since 2005. In 2014 began organizing the Lambda Days conference, which focuses on functional languages and new trends in computer science. In the same year also started organizing programming workshops for people who would like to learn languages such as Erlang, Elixir or Swift. Co-Founder of koderki.pl and frequent conference speaker.

Love Your Crash Dumps


Livebook enabled a new level of interactivity with a running BEAM VM. In this talk we first describe techniques for live analysis of the VM performance, e.g. memory allocation, garbage collection or function call times. We then argue that a controlled termination of a VM, which is in an interesting state, might be a great source of performance information too. We show techniques to inspect the erl_crash.dump file. After this talk you will love your crash dumps more than ever before!