Brett Kolodny

Fullstack Engineer @ July Technologies Inc.

Brett Kolodny is a Software Engineer for three years of experience building full stack applications at various sized startups. In his free time, Brett enjoys learning new programming languages, and frameworks in order to broaden his skills and learn new ways of tackling problems. He is an active member of the Gleam community authoring several open source libraries in the language, and helping new members learn the joys of functional programming and the BEAM.

Fullstack Gleam: Static Types on the Beam, and JavaScript You'll Love

Level: Beginners, Intermediate users

Learn how to use Gleam, a friendly type safe language that compiles to Erlang and JavaScript, to build maintainable and performant full stack applications. In this talk you will learn what typed OTP looks like in Gleam, and how leveraging Gleam’s two compilation targets leads to both an enjoyable developer and user experience.


  • This talk aims to show how easy it is to build a non trivial full stack application in Gleam by taking advantage of both the existing libraries and paradigms we enjoy from Erlang and Elixir, while also easily tapping into what JavaScript has to offer on the frontend.


  • This talk would appeal to people who are interested in or already love taking advantage of everything the BEAM has to offer but misses the static typing other languages have to offer.
  • Alternatively I think this talk would be interesting to people who are already using Erlang/Elixir for fullstack development but aren’t completely satisfied with the state of the frontend part of the equation.