Anna Lito Michala

Researching Better Systems for IoT at the University of Glasgow

Anna Lito Michala is an Assistant Professor in Understandable Autonomous Systems at the School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow. She has expertise in safety-critical systems software engineering, system/sub-system prognostics in extreme and resource-constrained environments and particularly vessel condition monitoring. She has acquired her MSc in 2008 in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde and her Bachelor degree is in Computer Science from the University of Crete where she had worked at the FORTH instituted of research at the Computer Architecture and VLSI Systems Laboratory. Her research interests are in cyber-physical systems engineering, Industrial IoT, machine learning for decision support. Funded projects include RSE/SE CH12, EPSRC AnyScale Apps EP/L000725/1, EU FP7 INCASS 605200.