As more and more companies start using GraphQL as their API language, familiarity with the technology becomes crucial for today’s developers. Thanks to the Absinthe GraphQL library, writing a robust backend application exposing GraphQL endpoint in Elixir is a piece of cake. In this course we’ll learn what the GraphQL is, how to create a Phoenix application with Ecto backend and a GraphQL API and how to write a client frontend in React.js and integrate Relay on both sides.
Course TLDR
• Introduction • GraphQL intro • Building a Phoenix application with GraphQL API (using Absinthe GraphQL library) • React.JS koans • Introduction to Relay • Building a simple React/Relay UI for the backend
Target audience
Beginner, Intermediate
Trainers are: Łukasz Gurdek and Stanisław Chmiela.
Full-stack developer at Software Mansion (since 2015). Final year student (M.Sc. in computer science). Programming mostly in Ruby and maintaining company’s server infrastructure. Also experienced in Elixir and JavaScript.
Github: ukasiu