Bruce Williams

Bruce Williams

Co-Creator of Absinthe

GraphQL in Practice

GraphQL is a query language for your unified API. What you ask for is exactly what you get. This holds true no matter what backend powers your API, whether an Ecto backed Database or other APIs themselves. How does this work in practice? In this talk we’re going to walk through a service that exposes a 3rd party REST API via GraphQL, augmented with database driven metadata. We’ll see how GraphQL can efficiently query both data sources without sacrificing client flexibility, and even provide push notification features not found natively via the REST API or the database.


Bruce Williams is a polyglot technologist, speaker, and Pragmatic Bookshelf author. He’s the CTO of CargoSense, a logistics intelligence company built on Elixir and committed to its open source community. Away from the computer, he enjoys languages, traveling to new places, cooking, and the singular hobby of artisan gemstone cutting.

Github: bruce

Twitter: @wbruce