Chris McCord

Chris McCord

Creator of Phoenix

Keynote: Phoenix Takes Flight

Phoenix is ready to soar as we near 1.0.
We’ll take a tour of the features that makes Phoenix great and the lessons learned along the way. From PubSub adapters, channel transports, and live-reload watchers, Phoenix is set to take on the world. Are you ready?


Tutorial: Phoenix Takes Flight

Phoenix is an Elixir framework for building scalable web applications with realtime connectivity across all your devices. Together, we’ll take a guided tour of the framework, going from the very basics, to building our own realtime applications. You’ll see the framework’s foundations, core components, and how to use Phoenix to write powerful web services.

Tutorial objectives:

We’ll start by exploring the foundations of the framework in Elixir’s Plug library, followed by the core components of Phoenix’s Router and Controller layers. Next, we’ll review the View layer and build an application together as we learn each concept. We’ll finish by using the PubSub layer to add realtime functionality to our application. Along the way, attendees will see how to apply advanced features like router pipelines and plug middelware and receive tips on how to structure a Phoenix application for real-world services.


The audience for this talk is any Elixir or Erlang programmer looking to dive into Phoenix and learn how to build powerful applications quickly and easily. Attendees should have an introductory level experience with Elixir or Erlang and the ability to run Elixir on their laptops.

Chris McCord is a programmer with a passion for science and building things. He spends his time crafting the Phoenix Framework, working with the fine folks at DockYard, writing books like Metaprogramming Elixir, and teaching others the tools of the trade.

Github: chrismccord

Twitter: @chris_mccord